Editing Team Members – Three Year Anniversary
Premiere Pictures International, Inc. is pleased to congratulate our editing team members for their artistic collaboration and technical expertise on the many projects that the company has created and produced during the past three years.

Adam Dziesinski
Chief Projects Editor
Feature film, television series and documentary project including Movies From Home, Preservation Partnership documentaries, Interview with Rory Kennedy for “Last Days in Vietnam,” Cocktails: New York, and all film scanning and editing projects related to the Home Movie collection and The Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences film preservation project.

Ana Arcioni
Film and video Editor, Artistic Supervisor
Trailers, Promos, Teasers, Interviews
Collaborator in our feature film, documentary and television series projects including S.E.Q.U.E.N.C.E., OUT-rageous!, “I’m So Excited” interview with Javier Camara, Harvest, Repeace and Cocktails.
Congratulations and thank you for being part of the Premiere Entertainment team.