Who We Are
Premiere Pictures International, Inc. is an entertainment industry innovator, developer, creator, and producer of award-winning films and programs.
As we change the way we access entertainment, three elements remain at the center of all successful projects: great characters, unique stories, and inspired filmmakers using the latest technology and at the same time, remembering the classic roots of cinema. With more and more innovative storytelling on television and the live stage, we are shifting a great deal of our resources and focus to this area of the entertainment business.

Premiere Pictures International, Inc. owns one of the largest privately-held film libraries in the world. The library includes classic Hollywood entertainment films of the 1930s, 40s, 50s and 60s, films imported from Europe and around the world, a stock footage library that is licensed to users through Getty Images, and more than five million feet of historically and culturally significant home movies from the USA and around the world. This collection features many figures from the entertainment world, politics and sports.

Pasolini: A Filmmaker’s Journey
Premiere Pictures International, Inc. is proud to have completed the restoration of Carlo Hayman-Chaffey’s penetrating documentary about the controversial Italian film director, Pier Paolo Pasolini. The year 2022 marked the centenary of Pasolini’s birth, and the re-premiere of the restored version of the documentary in Italy. The film will soon be seen on television in America and around the world. Ron Merk, who produced the restoration, would like to point to the great team who brought the film back to life from badly stored and damaged original picture and sound materials. Funding for the project came from The Metro Film and Arts Foundation and Ron Merk.
Restoration produced by Ron Merk
4K scan by Fotokem
Sound track preservation by Audio Mechanics
Color correction, sound restoration and final mix by Alper Gedik
Restored in 2022 from original camera negatives and surviving sound elements.